[Salon] Africa: Russia waives 20 billion debts and gives away its grain


Africa: Russia waives 20 billion debts and gives away its grain


Western media and politicians regularly complain about Russia's influence in Africa. As the current developments show, there are many good reasons for Africa to rely on Russia and not on the West.

25. March 2023 

Western media and politicians accused Russia last summer of blocking Ukrainian ports to prevent Ukrainian wheat deliveries to the poorest countries in the world and thus use hunger as a weapon. That was a lie from start to finish, because it was Ukraine that prevented the export because it wanted Western weapons in return, but it was a quite successful, internationally promoted anti-Russian media campaign.

The grain agreement and the West

When the grain agreement was concluded, it became evident once again that the accusations against Russia were lying. The grain, which was subsequently exported from Ukraine, went almost exclusively to Europe, but not to the starving countries of Africa. Only about three percent arrived there, as can be read on the corresponding page of the UN.

In addition, the grain agreement provided for the West to give up the obstacles created by its sanctions for the export of Russian grain and Russian fertilizers to the starving states. These are sanctions against Russian banks, because without payment there can be no export, and these are sanctions against Russian ports and logistics companies, because someone has to transport the grain and fertilizers. However, the West has not abolished these obstacles and continues to hinder the export of Russian fertilizers and cereals.

This even goes so far that European states prevent the transport of Russian fertilizers that were fixed in European ports after the sanctions were imposed. Russia then offered to give away these fertilizers to the recipients in the countries in need, but the EU states still hinder transport. I last reported on this at the end of February using the example of Latvia, with which the UN is negotiating the removal of the urgently needed fertilizers.

Russia has now agreed to an extension of the grain agreement, but not by 120 days as planned, but only by 60 days. And Russia has set the condition for a further extension of the grain agreement that the West finally implements its part of the obligations. If the West does not do this, Russia does not want to extend the grain agreement further afterwards.

Of course, it is clear to everyone that the Western media are only waiting for it to accuse Russia again of using hunger as a weapon. Russian President Putin reacted to this and promised the African states to leave the previously delivered quantities of grain to them for free in this case. The Western media have not reported on this and it can be assumed that they will not do so in the future.

At the end of this article, I will give the part of President Putin's speech, which he gave on the 20th. March before the International Parliamentary Conference of Russia with the African states, so that readers in Germany can find out what Putin said on the subject.

Debt relief

In addition, Russia has waived over $20 billion in debt to the African states. Putin also explained this in his speech, from which I will quote at the end of this article.

Putin gave the promise to debt 20 billion dollars to African states at the great Russia-Africa summit 2019 in Sochi and Russia fulfilled its promise. In addition, Russia helps many African states with energy supply and security policy, which is a nightmare for the West, because military cooperation with Russia is more effective for African states than with the West.

Not least for this reason, states such as Mali and other former colonies have recently expelled the French troops from their countries, which has led in Western media to snap breathing and inflammatory articles against the Russian private military company Wagner, which does a very effective and good job in the African countries. In order to somehow slow down the loss of influence, sanctions were even imposed on Wagner, but this does not prevent African countries from continuing successful cooperation.

It is therefore no surprise that the African states turn away from the West and to Russia and China, because Russia and China offer honest cooperation based on respect and equal eye level, while the Western states still perform like colonists who want to dictate to African states how to develop politically and economically.

Putin's statements in the original tone

I did not translate Putin's entire speech he gave before Russia's International Parliamentary Conference with the African states, but limited myself to the part that deals with the grain agreement and questions of Africa's food security.

Start of the translation:

I emphasize that our country fulfills all its obligations in the supply of food, fertilizers, fuels and other products of crucial importance to the states of the continent and thus contributes to their food and energy security. You probably know that we are willing to deliver some of our goods frozen in European countries, including fertilizers, free of charge, with the first deliveries having already gone free of charge to the countries in need. But unfortunately we are also hindered here.

Mainly due to the needs of African countries, Russia has recently agreed to extend the Istanbul Agreement on the Export of Ukrainian Food via the Black Sea and the lifting of the blockade of Russian agricultural exports and fertilizer supplies for another 60 days.

We insist on the package character of this agreement - primarily in the interest of African and other developing countries that need large quantities of food - we insist on the full fulfillment of the most important Russian demands, especially, as I said earlier, in the effort that cereals and fertilizers are delivered to needy African states and not to the rich European markets, to the rich European countries. Of the total amount of grain exported from Ukraine, 45 percent went to European countries and only three percent to Africa. I might say two more words about it.

I emphasize that only the consideration of our position can ensure a fair and comprehensive implementation of the Black Sea Cereals Agreement, and the question of our further participation will depend on this. I would like to inform you about the following. From the 1st August 2022 to the 20th. In March of this year, 827 ships left Ukraine, of which only three million tons of grain went to Africa and 1.3 million tons to the poorest countries of Africa. As I said before, almost 45 percent went to rich European countries, although the agreement was presented under the motto that we must protect the interests of Africa.

By the way, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at the same time, despite all the restrictions and restrictions on Russian grain exports, almost 12 million tons of Russian grain were delivered to Africa.

And I would like to add something else. If we finally decide not to extend this agreement after the 60 days, we are ready to deliver the entire quantity that has been delivered to the particularly needy countries of Africa to these countries free of charge from Russia in the past.

End of translation

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